Oct 13 – 15, 2010
Denver, USA
US/Central timezone


2010 DSC Workshop (Denver)

Oct 15, 2010, 8:00 AM
Denver, USA

Denver, USA


2010 DSC Workshop (Denver)

  • Duane Wessels (Verisign)


On Friday, October 15th (following the OARC workshop) I am organizing a workshop to discuss the future of the DSC software. This is not really a workshop on what DSC does, or why you should use it. Rather, at this workshop we will discuss:

How do we use DSC now and what do we like
What do we not like?
What would a next-generation DSC look like?
Can we put a plan in place to make it a reality?

To be clear: assuming we get to the final point in the above list, I will be asking you (your companies) to make financial contributions so that a programmer can be employed to implement the necessary changes. Details (such as amounts and where such money would be collected) are not known at this time. That will be part of the discussion.

If you are planning on attending the DNS-OARC meeting and wish to attend the DSC meeting, please be sure to indicate so on the registration page.

If you are unable to attend the meeting but wish to contribute, please drop me an email with your comments.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
10/15/10, 8:00 AM
10/15/10, 8:30 AM
10/15/10, 10:15 AM
10/15/10, 1:30 PM
Building timetable...