16–17 Feb 2023 Workshop
Atlanta Marriott Marquis
US/Eastern timezone

Realtime DNS Exfiltration Detection in Recursive Resolvers

17 Feb 2023, 14:25
Imperial Ballrom (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)

Imperial Ballrom

Atlanta Marriott Marquis

265 Peachtree Center Ave NE Atlanta GA 30303 United States
Remote Standard Presentation Main Session OARC 40 - Day 2


David Rodriguez (Cisco Systems)


DNS exfiltration and tunneling tools exploit DNS to evade
surveilance and masquerade online behavior. Identifying these events
in real-time proves challenging because efficent techniques are required
to crack an encrypted message without impacting performance
of a resolver, which must also resolve non-malicious query volumes
at a magnitude of up to millions of queries per second. In this talk we'll
explore an elementary dns tunneling algorithm that is efficient and clever
enough to fit in many recursive DNS resolver code bases. To do that,
we'll first explore DNS resolver caches like those in djbdns-1.05.
We'll outline architectural decisions such introducing two new caches,
a realtime blocklist and tunnneling cache, highligting the pros and cons
of early and late detection techniques. Additionally, two probabilistic
techniques will be discussed to identify unique counts and strings
containing hidden messages with just enough confidence to make the
detection of DNS tunneling and exfiltration events as easy as modifying
a couple threshold values. In closing, we'll discuss how Cisco Umbrella
deployed a realtime DNS tunneling algorithm into it's global resolver
fleet and note a few lessons we learned while maintaining this algorithm
for the past year.

Primary author

David Rodriguez (Cisco Systems)


Mrs Andrea Scarfo (Cisco Systems) Brian Somers (OpenDNS/Cisco) Mr Scott Sitar (YeshID) Mr Skyler Hawthorne (Cisco Systems)

Presentation materials