Feb 8 – 9, 2024 Workshop
Embassy Suites Charlotte Uptown
US/Eastern timezone

DELEGate the Modern Way

Feb 8, 2024, 3:50 PM
Salon A/B (Embassy Suites Charlotte Uptown)

Salon A/B

Embassy Suites Charlotte Uptown

401 East Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Charlotte NC 28202 United States
In-Person Standard Presentation OARC 42 Day 1


David Lawrence (Salesforce)


A new delegation record is now being discussed for standardization at the IETF, the DELEG record. It is an extensible signal at the parent side of a delegation that modern resolvers can select authoritative nameservers based on features described in the delegation, not just their name. For example, support for existing standards like DNS over TLS or DNS over QUIC could be signaled efficiently in the normal resolution flow. Some day a new DNS message format could even be evolved.

Primary authors

David Lawrence (Salesforce) Petr Špaček (Internet Systems Consortium (ISC)) Ralf Weber (Akamai Technologies) Tim April (Akamai Technologies)

Presentation materials