Feb 8 – 9, 2024 Workshop
Embassy Suites Charlotte Uptown
US/Eastern timezone

Is the DNS ready for IPv6?

Feb 9, 2024, 2:25 PM
Salon A/B (Embassy Suites Charlotte Uptown)

Salon A/B

Embassy Suites Charlotte Uptown

401 East Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Charlotte NC 28202 United States
In-Person Standard Presentation OARC 42 Day 2


Geoff Huston (APNIC)


There is a new draft in the IETF that proposes that all recursive resolvers and authoritative servers SHOULD include IPv6 service. But is the DNS ready for IPv6? This presentations looks at the problems that the DNS has with IPv6, arond the issues of IP fragmentation using large UDP payloads and the consequences of this in terms of delayed resolution and increased query loads.

The intended method of mitigation for these issues is encapsulated in the DNS Flag Day 2020 recommendations, dropping the ENDS(0) Buffer size value to 1232. The question is how well is all this working in the DNS today. This presentation will look at the measurements of query-weighted distribution of recursive resolver EDNS Bufffer Sizes, the resolver query patterns as ween at an authoritative server and address the overall efficiency of IPv6 in this context.

Talk duration

Primary author

Geoff Huston (APNIC)

Presentation materials