Feb 8 – 9, 2024 Workshop
Embassy Suites Charlotte Uptown
US/Eastern timezone

Estimate the size of the DNS

Feb 9, 2024, 4:00 PM
Salon A/B (Embassy Suites Charlotte Uptown)

Salon A/B

Embassy Suites Charlotte Uptown

401 East Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Charlotte NC 28202 United States
Lightning talk Main Session OARC 42 Day 2


Victoria Risk (Internet Systems Consortium)


Help crowd source a high level estimate of the "size" of the world-wide DNS system, in order to help compare the growth and size of the DNS root, to the growth and size of the DNS overall.

If you were to draw four clouds, representing the traffic to All Authoritative Servers, All Resolvers, All TLDs, and the DNS Root, what would be the relative size of each cloud? It would be helpful to be able to display this in order to convey to less-technical audiences the relative size of each of these systems.


Crowdsource the size of the DNS

Talk duration 5 Minutes (no Q&A)

Primary author

Victoria Risk (Internet Systems Consortium)

Presentation materials