Feb 8 – 9, 2024 Workshop
Embassy Suites Charlotte Uptown
US/Eastern timezone

Encrypted DNS Stub Resolver Authentication

Not scheduled
Salon A/B (Embassy Suites Charlotte Uptown)

Salon A/B

Embassy Suites Charlotte Uptown

401 East Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Charlotte NC 28202 United States
Lightning talk Main Session OARC 42 Day 2


Jeffrey Damick (Amazon)


There are multiple approaches taken today using unencrypted and encrypted DNS to identify stub resolvers to recursive resolvers, including using the query source IP address or injecting additional records with custom labels the recursive resolver can parse. In this presentation, we will recommend using mTLS as a best practice when stub resolvers need to provide secure identities to recursive resolvers over encrypted DNS connections, then walk through the reasons we chose this recommendation over alternative forms of client authentication.

Talk duration 5 Minutes (no Q&A)

Primary author

Jeffrey Damick (Amazon)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.