6–7 Feb 2025
Atlanta Marriott Marquis
America/New_York timezone

Open Source Software in DNS and Name Registration Infrastructure

7 Feb 2025, 16:00
Imperial Salon B ( Atlanta Marriott Marquis)

Imperial Salon B

Atlanta Marriott Marquis

265 Peachtree Center Ave NE Atlanta GA 30303 United States
In-Person Standard Presentation Main Session OARC 44 Day 2


Warren Kumari (N/A)


The Internet relies on names: the ability to register and use domain names is fundamental to internet-based services. The global, distributed infrastructure that enables naming on the Internet depends on open-source software, maintained by a delicate balance of nonprofit organizations, volunteers, and commercial entities.

In this context, ICANN’s Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) established a work party to analyze the adoption of open-source software in the DNS supply chain. The work party considers in particular the use of open source software to implement nameserver, recursive resolver, DNSSEC signing, RDAP/WHOIS, EPP/registry and escrow functions.
The SSAC’s goal is to inform policy making efforts or regulatory interventions that aim to discuss, modify, or regulate the development and use of such software in infrastructure, often without fully considering the critical yet hidden role of open-source software at the core of the Internet.

This presentation will detail our initiative and planned objectives as well as enumerate where regulatory work may impact open-source projects relevant to the DNS ecosystem. We will look to gather added feedback from the operational community on the use of DNS open-source software, and explore how regulations are impacting their processes and accountability.

Talk duration 10 Minutes (+5 for Q&A)

Primary author

Maarten Aertsen (NLnet Labs)


Merike Kaeo (Double Shot Security) Raffaele Sommese (University of Twente) Warren Kumari (N/A)

Presentation materials