6–7 Feb 2025
Atlanta Marriott Marquis
America/New_York timezone

Encrypted Client Hello and Network Operators

6 Feb 2025, 14:45
Imperial Salon B ( Atlanta Marriott Marquis)

Imperial Salon B

Atlanta Marriott Marquis

265 Peachtree Center Ave NE Atlanta GA 30303 United States
In-Person Standard Presentation Main Session OARC 44 Day 1


Andrew Campling (419 Consulting Ltd)


The presentation will include a brief explanation of the proposed Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) extension to TLS 1.3. The main focus will be on explaining why network operators need to be aware of the potential implications of ECH so that they are able to mitigate any negative impacts.

Talk duration 20 Minutes (+5 for Q&A)

Primary author

Andrew Campling (419 Consulting Ltd)

Presentation materials