Oct 5 – 6, 2013
Wild Horse Pass Resort
America/Phoenix timezone

Participant List

79 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Aaron Hughes 6connect
Amanda Constant Secure64 Software Corporation
Anand Buddhdev RIPE NCC
Andree Toonk OpenDNS
Andrew Simpson Verisign
Andrew Sullivan Dyn
Anthony Williams UUNET / Verizon
Antoin Verschuren SIDN
Aziz Mohaisen VeriSign
Benjamin Bowen GoDaddy
Brian Conry ISC
Brian Dickson Verisign (Verisign Labs)
Brian King GoDaddy
Bruce Van Nice Nominum
Chae Chung Comcast
Chip Marshall Dyn Inc.
Chris Cowherd Donuts Inc.
Chris Griffiths Dyn
Christian Petrasch DENIC eG
Christopher Ferraro Microsoft Corporation
Colin Petrie RIPE NCC
Danillo Antonio Roncoleta registro.br
Dave Knight ICANN
David Conrad JAS Global Advisors, LLC
Don Blumenthal Public Interest Registry
Drake Pallister Duraserver Technologies
Duane Wessels Verisign
Ed Lewis Neustar / UltraDNS
Eddy Winstead ISC
Eduardo Mercader NIC Chile
Eric Brunner-Williams wampumpeag
Eric Ziegast Farsight Security, Inc.
Eytan Urbas Gozoom
Fearghas McKay Forthview Networks
Florian Maury ANSSI/FNISA
Geoff Huston APNIC
Gerard White Bell Aliant
Gino Doucet Bell Aliant
Gregory Patrick Verisign
Isaiah Connell Charter Communications
Jacques Latour CIRA
Jason Hughes Microsoft
Jeff Schmidt JAS Global Advisors LLC
Joe Abley ICANN
John Haytas State of Oregon
Jonathan Spring Software Engineering Institute (CERT)
Kazunori Fujiwara Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd
Keith Mitchell DNS-OARC
Lei Long DNSII
Leif Sawyer General Communication, Inc
Liam Hynes Dyn
Manuel Mejia Gozoom
Marcelo Gardini registro.br / NIC.br
Marco Diaz NIC Chile
Mark Kosters ARIN
Matthew Pounsett Afilias / DNS-OARC
Mehmet Akcin TRNOG
Merike Kaeo IID
Michael Sinatra ESnet
Ondrej Filip CZ.NIC
Ondrej Sury CZ.NIC
Paul Ebersman Infoblox
Peter Koch DENIC eG
Peter Losher Internet Systems Consortium
R.P. (Adi) Aditya University of Michigan
Ralf Weber Nominum Inc.
Ray Bellis Nominet UK
Rock Chantigny CIRA (.CA)
Roy Hooper Demand Media
Sam Bretheim Nominum
Samuel Weiler Parsons
Stephan Lagerholm Secure64 Software Corp.
Stéphane Bortzmeyer AFNIC
Tonny Yu Gozoom
Warren Kumari Google
Wayne MacLaurin Demand Media
William Sotomayor DNS-OARC