Oct 29 – 30, 2011
Vienna, AT
Europe/Vienna timezone

The second OARC Workshop of 2011 and our AGM are taking place Saturday, October 29th and Sunday, October 30th 14th in Vienna, Austria prior to the RIPE 63 meeting.

As with the 2010 Prague meeting, this will be a joint meeting with CENTR and we thank RIPE for their support in hosting this event.

Call for Presentations

This workshop continues OARC's tradition of having spring meetings include a strong operational component. Presentations from DNS operators are particularly welcome. We'll also gladly accept talks from DNS researchers, as well as any other DNS-related subjects.

The DNS EASY 2011 Workshop is being held in Rome a few weeks prior to the DNS-OARC workshop. As a result, we are particularly interested in presentations and topics not being covered by at DNS EASY.

OARC Workshop meetings are open to OARC members, presenters, and to all other parties interested in DNS operations and research, subject to available space.

Dates: October 29—30, 2011
Venue: Hilton Vienna am Stadtpark
Address: Am Stadtpark 1, Vienna, Austria, A-1030
Building/Room: Klimt Hall
Accommodation: see Venue (above)
Local Info: see Venue (above)

Jabber: xmpp:dns-operations@conference.dns-oarc.net
Streaming: unavailable
Vienna, AT
Am Stadtpark 1, Vienna, Austria, A-1030