May 9 – 10, 2015
Okura Hotel
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Zonemaster - do we need another DNS testing tool?

May 10, 2015, 2:00 PM
Heian I/II (Okura Hotel)

Heian I/II

Okura Hotel

Ferdinand Bolstraat 333 1072 LH Amsterdam
Public Workshop


Mr Patrik Wallström (.SE)


Testing DNS delegations has a long history. Some TLD registries used to do pre-delegation testing before delegating a new or reconfigured domain, some do testing for statistics, but most people do it to find errors in their DNS configuration. Zonemaster is a new tool created by .SE and AFNIC, and builds on our previous experience on working with DNS delegation checking tools such as DNSCheck and Zonecheck. Zonemaster was built on the requirement that it should implement all test cases and functionality from both DNSCheck and Zonecheck combined. All the requirements were collected and then made into specifications for the new tool. The most important specifications are the test cases, what Zonemaster is testing and how. The test specifications are built on our previous experience of maintaining DNSCheck and Zonecheck, the test specifications rely on RFCs, RIPE BCP documents and the IANA registry. The test specifications will further be refined by the new TRTF working group within CENTR, and later on bring their work to the IETF. The result of this work will hopefully be a DNS delegation BCP document. This talk will focus on the collaborative work, presenting the released Zonemaster software and its tools, the specifications and further work.


I will present the Zonemaster software, and hopefully give a demo. 20 minutes is requested.

Primary author


Presentation materials