May 14 – 15, 2017
Europe/Madrid timezone

Scaling up: How we made millions of domains happier

May 14, 2017, 11:30 AM
Standard Presentation Public Workshop Public Workshop


Mr Pavel Odintsov (Cloudflare)


Cloudflare hosts managed DNS infrastructure for over 5 million zones. In 2016 we began work on re-building a core part of our DNS Nameserver (rrDNS) and data provisioning software to better handle the scale as well as to improve reliability and performance, and pave the way for new features. DNS operations and systems are not immune from scaling bumps; things that work great for 100K domains may not work well for 10M. There are many different ways to represent and distribute zone information, we will talk about how we gained significant improvements by careful design. Wwe’ll give a brief overview of Cloudflare’s DNS infrastructure, explain why we chose to re-write certain aspects from the ground up, and show how we seamlessly migrated customers with negligible impact over a period of weeks. We made extensive use of a new testing infrastructure that we call DNS-mirror
Talk Duration 30 Minutes

Primary author

Mr Pavel Odintsov (Cloudflare)


Mr Tom Arnfeld (Cloudflare) Mr Ólafur Guðmundsson (CloudFlare)

Presentation materials