May 14 – 15, 2017
Europe/Madrid timezone

Root zone KSK rollover update

May 15, 2017, 9:00 AM
Standard Presentation Public Workshop Public Workshop: DNSSEC


Matt Larson (ICANN)


ICANN would like to provide another update on the progress of the root zone KSK rollover. Since the rollover is scheduled for October 11, 2017, this DNS-OARC workshop could be the last one before the rollover takes place in the fall, so we would appreciate one more chance to reach the important segment of the DNS operational community that attends DNS-OARC workshops. Recent developments to share include the new KSK having been generated and the availability starting on March 1, 2017, of a RFC 5011 test bed operating in real time designed for operators to test the ability of their infrastructure to properly roll a trust anchor using the automated protocol. The presentation would be similar to one we delivered at NANOG69 in Washington, D.C., in early February. Those slides are attached for reference, but we would shorten and tighten the material to be more suitable for the more DNS-clueful audience at the workshop. I'm submitting this proposal for the main track, but since our main goal is to remind everyone of the rollover and keep it top of mind, we would also be willing to give a lightning talk. Thanks! Matt
Talk Duration 15 Minutes

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Presentation materials