May 14 – 15, 2017
Europe/Madrid timezone - A project to support deployment of DNS-over-TLS services

May 15, 2017, 3:30 PM
Standard Presentation Public Workshop Public Workshop: Security and Privacy


Dr Sara Dickinson (Sinodun IT)


The DPRIVE Working Group has recently produced several standards relating to DNS-over-TLS as a method for encrypting Stub to recursive communications. Whilst there are several implementations available, deployment is still in the early stages. Several experiment DNS-over-TLS servers have been running since 2016 and the project is aiming to - Increase DNS-over-TLS deployment during 2017 - Develop tools to ease deployment and monitoring - Perform research into the practicalities of delivering DNS-over-TLS services - Raise awareness of DNS Privacy with operators and end users - Produce a Best Current Practices guide for operators. This talk will provide an update on the status of the project and outline in detail the short and medium term goals with the aim of engaging operators in these activities.
Talk Duration 15 Minutes

Primary author

Dr Sara Dickinson (Sinodun IT)

Presentation materials