14–15 May 2017
Europe/Madrid timezone

DNS over TCP as seen from the authoritative servers

14 May 2017, 14:30
Standard Presentation Public Workshop Public Workshop: Measurement


Jan Včelák (NS1)


The vast majority of DNS traffic happens over UDP. We can pretty much predict how the resolvers will spread the load, deal with timeouts and server failures. But what will happen if we force the clients to use TCP? Is TCP a first-class citizen in modern resolvers or is it only a fallback mechanism. And can the resolvers use established TCP connections effectively? In this talk, I will try to answer some of these questions based on the analysis of real-world traffic patterns we see in the NS1's DNS network.


This is work in progress. The questions are stated. We are about to set up data collection. And hopefully the results will be interesting.

Talk Duration 30 Minutes

Primary author

Presentation materials