ICANN recently launched the RFC Annotations project to help DNS developers, protocol developers, and security researchers see annotated versions of the DNS-related RFCs. The annotations include in-line descriptions of how RFCs have been updated and where there has been errata, but they also allow people in the DNS community to add comments to the RFCs for others to see. Such comments could include which implementations have implemented particular features, pointers to security-related issues that arise after the RFC is published, and problems found when implementing features in a protocol.
The project is an informal collection of DNS-related RFCs and an informal collection of annotations: all of it comes from the DNS community and not from the IETF. ICANN updates the project as new annotations come in and as new DNS-related RFCs are published (or discovered). The project can be seen at https://rfc-annotations.research.icann.org/.
ICANN is encouraging more members of the DNS technical community to contribute annotations to the project.