Feb 16 – 17, 2023 Workshop
Atlanta Marriott Marquis
US/Eastern timezone

Research Agenda for a Post-Quantum DNSSEC

Feb 16, 2023, 10:35 AM
Imperial Ballrom (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)

Imperial Ballrom

Atlanta Marriott Marquis

265 Peachtree Center Ave NE Atlanta GA 30303 United States
In-Person Standard Presentation Main Session OARC 40 - Day1


Andrew Fregly (Verisign)


This presentation describes the need for collaborative multi-stakeholder involvement in research and modeling to inform the DNSSEC post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithm standardization and transition agenda. Some key issues that need to be researched are described. This includes DNSSEC's need for long-term cryptographic resiliency and the impact NIST's selected PQC signature algorithm signatures will have on DNS transport and DNSSEC-related memory and processing requirements. Categories of DNS protocol enhancements to address these issues are postulated. The need for collaborative multi-stakeholder research and modeling is then justified as a method for assessing the pros and cons of transport options and potential protocol enhancements. The talk concludes with a proposal for a research and modeling agenda to support the pros and cons assessment.

Primary author

Andrew Fregly (Verisign)

Presentation materials