DNS Community Day, ThailandMeeting

VA Drawing Room (Athenee Hotel)

VA Drawing Room

Athenee Hotel

เต่าบิน - พลาซ่า แอทธินี ลุมพินี Pathum Wan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
Denesh Bhabuta (DNS-OARC), Phil Regnauld (DNS-OARC), Steve Sullivan (DNS-OARC)


The Domain Name System Operations, Analysis and Research Center, DNS-OARC, is a membership organisation that seeks to improve the security, stability and understanding of the Internet's DNS infrastructure. Our community includes, but isn't limited to, operators, vendors, and researchers.

OARC is also an open forum for the DNS community to engage, exchange ideas, and strengthen the human network that builds and maintains the Domain Name System.

OARC's DNS Community Day, Thailand is an informal get-together, where we invite all those that are involved with the operation and development of DNS technology and tools. It doesn't matter if you're a small Internet provider or registrar, a large corporation, or a researcher trying to better understand certain aspects of the DNS.

Registration is free, but is required for logistics and catering purposes. This is an in-person only event limited to 50 seats. You can register for this event here: https://dns-community-day-bkk.eventbrite.com