Oct 26 – 27, 2024
Clarion Congress Hotel Prague
Europe/Prague timezone

DNS4EU for Public anonymization

Oct 26, 2024, 2:20 PM
Tycho/Kepler Rooms (Clarion Congress Hotel Prague)

Tycho/Kepler Rooms

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

Freyova 33 Praha 9 ⁠-⁠ Vysočany 190 00 Česká republika
In-Person Standard Presentation Session 3


Robert Šefr


DNS4EU service for public is committed to provide services anonymously and at the same time aims to provide relevant protection against cyberattacks throughout all the EU member states. We will share our detailed approach to ensure anonymization and at the same time keep enough information for the researches to be able to recognize new malicious domains based on traffic patterns.
We believe that full transparency on the anonymization topic and involvement of the community is the best way to achieve the goal of DNS4EU public service.

Talk duration 10 Minutes (+5 for Q&A)

Primary author

Robert Šefr

Presentation materials