Oct 26 – 27, 2024
Clarion Congress Hotel Prague
Europe/Prague timezone

Parallel Events


Where: Prague, Czechia.
When:  28 Oct - 1 Nov 2024

Register via: https://ripe89.ripe.net/

A RIPE Meeting takes place over multiple days and brings together Internet service providers, network operators and other interested parties from around the world to:

  • Participate in discussions about the policies and procedures used by the RIPE NCC to allocate Internet number resources
  • Participate in the RIPE Working Group sessions to discuss current technical and policy issues
  • Share experiences, latest developments and best common practices
  • Develop their network of peers in the Internet community

RIPE Meetings are open to everyone. They bring together people from different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and genders. The RIPE community is unique and prides itself on providing a safe, supportive and respectful environment