12–13 May 2013
Burlington Hotel
Europe/Dublin timezone

Defending against DNS Amplification Attacks

12 May 2013, 12:00
Burlington Hotel

Burlington Hotel

Connaught Suite, Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4, Ireland
OARC Public Workshop


Javy de Koning (NLnet Labs)


The goal of this presentation is to show how to defend against DNS amplification attacks. The presentation will focus on Response Rate Limiting (RRL) and the effectiveness of this defence mechanism against current and future attacks.


In January 2013 we've researched defence mechanisms against DNS amplification attacks. The complete report is located here: http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/downloads/publications/report-rrl-dekoning-rozekrans.pdf

Primary author

Javy de Koning (NLnet Labs)

Presentation materials