10–11 May 2014
Sofitel Warsaw Victoria
Europe/Warsaw timezone

DNS Server and DNSSEC support in Windows Server 2012 R2

10 May 2014, 16:50
Opera (Sofitel Warsaw Victoria)


Sofitel Warsaw Victoria

11 Królewska Street 00-065 Warsaw
Public Workshop


David Cates (Microsoft)


DNS Server in Windows has been enhanced significantly through recent releases of Windows Server. One of the main areas of capability augmentation of Windows DNS has been in the area of DNSSEC. This session will mainly focus on acclimatizing the user with DNSSEC capabilities in Windows DNS Server. It will demonstrate how to setup DNSSEC in Windows DNS server, online zone signing support and will provide the audience an insight into the DNSSEC validation process in Windows DNS Server. The session will also talk about Windows DNS server performance and scalability in a DNSSEC and non-DNSSEC deployment. The session will also talk about other capabilities of Windows DNS server in a file based deployment as well as Active directory based deployment. Audience takeaways: - DNSSEC support in Windows DNS server and how to deploy DNSSEC with Windows DNS server - Performance and scale capabilities of Windows DNS server

Primary author

Mr Kumar Ashutosh (Microsoft)

Presentation materials