May 10 – 11, 2014
Sofitel Warsaw Victoria
Europe/Warsaw timezone

getdns-api implementation

May 11, 2014, 9:00 AM
Opera (Sofitel Warsaw Victoria)


Sofitel Warsaw Victoria

11 Królewska Street 00-065 Warsaw
Public Workshop


Mr Willem Toorop (NLnet Labs)


Verisign and NLnet Labs have recently announced the first beta release (0.1.0) of an open source implementation of the getdns API specification. The project's home page is at getdns is a modern asynchronous DNS API. It implements DNS entry points from a design developed and vetted by application developers, in the specification at edited by Paul Hoffman. With the implementation of this API, we intend to offer application developers a modernized and flexible way to access DNS security (DNSSEC) and other powerful new DNS features; a particular hope is to inspire application developers towards innovative security solutions in their applications. In this presentation I will give an application developers view of DNSSEC and describe the independently written getDNS API specification. I will showcase the open source implementation of the specification built by our team of developers from NLNet Labs and Verisign. The presentation will cover * how to perform resolution in all the different forms * the different ways to perform DNSSEC and the different levels of security assurances applications can get * the asynchronous support and how our implementation can integrate in the application developers event base of choice * the extensibility of the library * the limits of our current implementation and * the roadmap for near-future development

Primary author

Mr Willem Toorop (NLnet Labs)

Presentation materials