Mats Dufberg
(.SE (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation))
Zonemaster is an upcoming tool for controlling DNS zones. It is designed to replace the .SE DNSCheck and the .FR ZoneCheck with better performance, modularity and scalability. One of the design goals is to have explicit test cases for the tool. I.e. exactly what are the requirements of the tested zone that tools should test? What outcomes should return pass and what outcomes should return fail? Those explicit specifications, i.e. the test cases, will at the same time be the ground the validation of the tool.
The goal of the test cases is more than being the requirements for Zonemaster, our ambition is to develop a best practice for zone delegations by having transparent and publically available specifications that are independent of the test tool. The Zonemaster test tool could be seen as one implementation of those specifications.
The test cases should not only capture a completely valid delegation, but they should also be ground for meaningful error messages when things are more or less bad.
I will in my presentation present the major test cases for the tool and some test cases where the outcome need considerations and where discussions and suggestions could help the development.
The material for the project is publicly available at Github, https://github.com/dotse/zonemaster
Primary author
Mats Dufberg
(.SE (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation))
Sandoche Balakrichenan