Oct 11 – 13, 2014
Hyatt Regency Century Plaza
US/Pacific timezone

Analysis of TCP traffic in DITL data

Oct 12, 2014, 9:00 AM
Westside (Hyatt Regency Century Plaza)


Hyatt Regency Century Plaza

2025 Avenue of the Stars Los Angeles California 90067 USA
Public Workshop Sunday Workshop (Public)


Duane Wessels (Verisign)


The historical archive of DITL data is analyzed for trends in TCP traffic, answering some of the following questions: are TCP sources representative of UDP sources? Does TCP always follow a UDP TC=1 response? Do TCP and UDP sources have similar query type distributions? Are response sizes increasing over time, leading to more TCP? What do TCP connections indicate regarding latency?

Primary author

Duane Wessels (Verisign)


Matthew Thomas (Verisign)

Presentation materials