11–13 Oct 2014
Hyatt Regency Century Plaza
US/Pacific timezone

Preserving case-sensitivity in zone names

12 Oct 2014, 14:20
Westside (Hyatt Regency Century Plaza)


Hyatt Regency Century Plaza

2025 Avenue of the Stars Los Angeles California 90067 USA
Lightning Presentations Sunday Workshop (Public)


victoria risk (isc)


In early 2014 a BIND user encountered a problem with some SIP phones, that turned out to be due to the fact that, while compressing zone updates, we were not preserving case-sensitivity. We determined that CamelCasing is allowed, and thus case should be preserved by IETF specification. We then consulted with a number of operating system publishers and agreed on a solution. This brief presentation will explain how BIND handles this situation and introduce others to the issue.

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Presentation materials