March 31, 2016 to April 1, 2016
Intercontinental Buenos Aires
America/Buenos_Aires timezone

State of the "DNS privacy" project: running code

Mar 31, 2016, 4:00 PM
Montserrat (Intercontinental Buenos Aires)


Intercontinental Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Public Workshop Public Workshop: Privacy


Mr Stéphane Bortzmeyer (AFNIC)


The "DNS privacy" project started at the IETF meeting in Vancouver a few months after the Snowden revelations. What is its current state? A problem statement has been published, RFC 7626. Two directions are followed: QNAME minimisation, to decrease the amount of data sent to the name servers. And encryption, to prevent a sniffer to get the data. This talk will present the state of standardisation (it is possible that all the RFC are published before the meeting) and will demo the running code: QNAME minimisation in Unbound and Knot, and how does it work with broken name servers (such as those sending NXDOMAIN for an ENT), and DNS over TLS.

Primary author

Presentation materials