March 31, 2016 to April 1, 2016
Intercontinental Buenos Aires
America/Buenos_Aires timezone

Panel: DNSSEC algorithm flexibility

Apr 1, 2016, 5:00 PM
Montserrat (Intercontinental Buenos Aires)


Intercontinental Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, Argentina


Dr Benno Overeinder (NLnet Labs) Dan York (Internet Society) Evan Hunt (ISC) Jan Včelák (CZ.NIC)Mr Ondrej Sury (CZ.NIC) Paul Wouters (Redhat)Mr Ralf Weber (Nominum Inc)


This is a proposal to have a discussion panel with DNS vendors (ISC, NlNetLabs, PowerDNS, CZ.NIC, Nominum, Microsoft) and people from operating systems and Linux distros (Microsoft, Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat, SuSE) to come and discuss challenges of introducing new and deprecating old DNS(SEC) algorithms. The proposed moderators are Dan York and Olaf Kolkman as neutral moderators. Also invited to participate are large scale DNS resolver like Google DNS, and reaching for other operators as well. The initial ideas to discuss are: 1. The life cycles of upstream (DNS vendors); 2. The life cycle of downstream (linux distros' releases, windows releases, etc.); 3. Experiences with customers' deployments, etc. 4. Other ideas We are expecting a 45 to 60 minute slot to have enough time for discussion.

Primary author

Mr Ondrej Sury (CZ.NIC)

Presentation materials