Members Session
- Keith Mitchell (DNS-OARC)
Keith Mitchell
3/31/16, 10:10 AM
It has been another busy 6 months for the OARC Team. In particular, we're well down the path of executing a plan which will re-locate our primary infrastructure hosting site to multiple new locations. We also have a new staff member recently joined as Software Engineer, and are gearing up for our DITL2016 data gathering exercise shortly after the workshop.
This presentation will update OARC...
Anand Buddhdev
3/31/16, 10:35 AM
Member Business
In the last several weeks, the RIPE NCC's DNS infrastructure has experienced some DDoS events. In this presentation, I would like to talk about what we experienced, and how we tried to mitigate the attacks. I will talk about the nature of the attacks, and specifically what kind of methods and tools we used to try and defence our infrastructure.