Public Workshop: Research
- Mauricio Vergara Ereche (ICANN)
Duane Wessels
(Verisign), Mr
Matt Weinberg
4/1/16, 11:00 AM
Public Workshop
On November 30 and December 1, 2015, some of the Internet's Domain Name System (DNS) root name servers received large amounts of anomalous traffic. The twelve root operators jointly published a report of the incident ([][1]). The event also generated spirited discussion and speculation on public mailing lists, website forums, and blog...
Roy Arends
4/1/16, 11:30 AM
Public Workshop
In an effort to create all possible 64K keytags for a DNSSEC signing key, an anomaly surfaced that caused 75% of the possible keytags to never appear.
This effort to generate certain cryptographic keys became an adventure in itself that included beautiful discrete math, flawed functions, carefully crafted primes, multiple cryptographic libraries, and some brilliant people.
The result of...
Duane Wessels
4/1/16, 12:00 PM
Public Workshop
Verisign, in its role as Root Zone Maintainer, plans to increase the size of the root zone Zone Signing Key (ZSK) in 2016. The ZSK has been a 1024-bit RSASHA256 key since the initial deployment of DNSSEC to the root zone in 2010. In the latter half of 2016, the ZSK size will be increased to 2048-bits.
In this presentation we will outline the schedule for the change, describe various...