14–15 May 2017
Europe/Madrid timezone

Testing DNS resolvers (as) in real world

14 May 2017, 18:00
Standard Presentation Public Workshop Public Workshop: Testing


Mr Petr Špaček (CZ.NIC)


All DNS resolver vendors face the same question: Is the new version going to upset users? This is a very hard question to answer because DNS resolvers have many use-cases and have to deal with variations in DNS protocol implementation. Opinions on best practices in software testing vary... but from the functional perspective the most important criteria is if users are able to resolve names all the names they want. The phone will be ringing if any of Alexa top 1 million web sites does not resolve correctly. In this talk we will explore how the Knot Resolver team is going to automatically generate tests for most visited sites in the world and what are the possible paths forward. Thanks to the fact that the test tool called Deckard [1] works with multiple DNS resolvers it is possible to re-use the same tests even for other projects.


[1] https://gitlab.labs.nic.cz/knot/deckard/blob/master/README.rst

Talk Duration 15 Minutes

Primary author

Mr Petr Špaček (CZ.NIC)

Presentation materials