September 29, 2017 to October 3, 2017
Fairmont San Jose
US/Pacific timezone

DNS64 at scale – Turning off IPv4

Sep 29, 2017, 12:30 PM
Regency 2 Ballroom (Fairmont San Jose)

Regency 2 Ballroom

Fairmont San Jose

170 S Market Street, San Jose, 95113, CA, USA
Standard Presentation Public Workshop Public Workshop


Mr Stephan Lagerholm (T-mobile)


Over the last 10 years, T-Mobile have had a strategy of removing our dependency of IPv4. In the spring of 2017 we finally flipped the switch and turned off IPv4 for over 10 million handsets. We have in other words reached the utopia of making our customer experience independent of IP transport protocol. To achieve this we are using DNS64 and related technologies. Stephan will share some of T-Mobile’s experience with DNS64 and give some advice on how to find and handle broken applications and websites. Talk outline: • Background T-Mobile’s journey towards IPv6 only • Background, RFC6147, RFC6877 and RFC7050 • Selection algorithm and happy eyeballs (RFC6555) • Common failure scenarios for IPv6 only hosts • RFC compliance and how popular DNS64 resolvers react to various common DNS misconfigurations • Conclusion and learnings
Talk Duration 30 Minutes

Primary author

Mr Stephan Lagerholm (T-mobile)

Presentation materials