September 29, 2017 to October 3, 2017
Fairmont San Jose
US/Pacific timezone

How Dual DNS Improves Resiliency

Sep 29, 2017, 11:30 AM
Regency 2 Ballroom (Fairmont San Jose)

Regency 2 Ballroom

Fairmont San Jose

170 S Market Street, San Jose, 95113, CA, USA
Standard Presentation Public Workshop Public Workshop


Mr Samir Jafferali (LinkedIn)



LinkedIn leverages two independent DNS platforms that operate off completely independent hardware/software/network stacks. In this talk we use real user data to show what happens with DNS in browsers when one platform becomes unavailable during a DDOS, provide strategies to migrating to dual DNS, and cover a related draft IETF standard.

Talk Duration 15 Minutes

Primary author

Mr Samir Jafferali (LinkedIn)

Presentation materials