Sep 28 – 29, 2020 AGM
UTC timezone

The Forgotten Side of DNS: Orphan and Abandoned Records

Sep 28, 2020, 1:30 PM
Standard Presentation Online Workshop OARC 33 Day 1


Raffaele Sommese


DNS zone administration is a complex task involving manual work and several entities and can therefore result in misconfigurations. Orphan records are one of these misconfigurations, in which a glue record for a delegation that does not exist anymore is forgotten in the zone file. Orphan records are a security hazard to third-party domains that have these records in their delegation, as an attacker may easily hijack such domains by registering the domain associated with the orphan. The goal of this paper is to quantify this misconfiguration, extending previous work by Kalafut et al., by identifying a new type of glue record misconfiguration – which we refer to as abandoned records – and by performing a broader characterization. Our results highlight how the situation has changed, not always for the better, compared to a decade-old study.

Talk Duration 20 minutes
Your consent for us to publish your name and<br />affiliation as a Speaker on the OARConline 33 website No (you will be contacted by a OARC PC member)

Primary author

Raffaele Sommese

Presentation materials