February 17, 2022
Marriott Austin Downtown
UTC timezone

Beta Availability of two TLD Data Products

Feb 17, 2022, 9:00 PM
Marriott Austin Downtown

Marriott Austin Downtown

304 East Cesar Chavez Street, Austin, Texas 78701 USA
Standard Presentation Main Session OARC 37 Day 1




Two data products are being made available for beta testing. The TLD Apex History data set contains the history of DNSSEC-related records published by TLDs since mid-2011. The DNS Core Census (v010) is a daily aggregation of metadata related to TLDs and other zones in the upper reaches of the global public DNS hierarchy. This presentation will cover the data, how it is assembled and how it is made available. Both data products are intended for use as part of other research projects and are updated on a daily basis. These data products are publically available over-the-web. The beta-nature of this work is in anticipated discussion over content, storage and other data product packaging needs.

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