February 17, 2022
Marriott Austin Downtown
UTC timezone

An idea of IP anycast analysis using DITL dataset

Feb 17, 2022, 9:50 PM
Marriott Austin Downtown

Marriott Austin Downtown

304 East Cesar Chavez Street, Austin, Texas 78701 USA
Standard Presentation Main Session OARC 37 Day 1


Kazunori Fujiwara (Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd)


All Root Servers use IP anycast and operate root DNS servers at many locations in the world. This talk proposes an idea of IP anycast analysis using the DITL dataset.
To analyze the effect of IP anycast, we need to know the location of each instance, location information of clients, and latency information between clients and root servers.
The location information of each instance can be extracted from the directory name of the DITL dataset.
The location information of clients can be extracted from query source IP addresses using IP map services. The latency information between clients and root servers is extracted from TCP queries.
Then, some results of the effect of anycast on M-root will be shown.
This approach may be used as searching the under-served area of root DNS servers (and TLD DNS servers).

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Primary author

Kazunori Fujiwara (Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd)

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