Oct 22 – 23, 2022 Workshop
Golden Tulip Zira
Europe/Belgrade timezone

Addressing DNSSEC deployment risk

Oct 23, 2022, 1:55 PM
Mykonos / Rodos (Golden Tulip Zira)

Mykonos / Rodos

Golden Tulip Zira

Ruzveltova 35 11000 Belgrade Republic of Serbia
Standard Presentation Main Session OARC 39 - D2


Viktor Dukhovni (Google LLC)


Registrants of critical domains subject to substantial monetary losses per minute of downtime are likely to perceive significant DNSSEC deployment barriers due to long error recovery times and lack of pre-publication validation of DS records.

The presentation suggests potential practices to reduce the risk and thus lower DNSSEC adoption barriers.

Presentation delivery Remotely (online)

Primary author

Viktor Dukhovni (Google LLC)

Presentation materials