Oct 22 – 23, 2022 Workshop
Golden Tulip Zira
Europe/Belgrade timezone

The potential impact of Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) on public and private network operators and others

Oct 23, 2022, 10:40 AM
Mykonos / Rodos (Golden Tulip Zira)

Mykonos / Rodos

Golden Tulip Zira

Ruzveltova 35 11000 Belgrade Republic of Serbia
Standard Presentation Main Session OARC 39 - D2


Andrew Campling (419 Consulting Ltd)


The potential impact of Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) on public and private network operators and others

The presentation includes a brief overview of the proposed Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) extension to TLS 1.3, explaining its purpose and current state of development. The presentation goes on to consider some of the implications of ECH being deployed on public and private networks, looking at particular sme of the potential operational impacts the private networks of education and financial services organisations, as well as identifying some of the main issues affecting fixed and mobile network operators.

Having looked at some of the security and threat detection challenges posed by ECH, the presentation goes on to consider the broader, unintended consequences for end users and device owners. It concludes by recommending how interested parties at DNS-OARC can engage in the development of ECH so that any concerns they may have are taken into account.

Presentation delivery Remotely (online)

Primary author

Andrew Campling (419 Consulting Ltd)

Presentation materials