6–7 Sept 2023 Workshop
Meliá Danang Beach Resort
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone

Automation of DNSSEC provisioning and maintenance

6 Sept 2023, 11:35
Meliá Danang Beach Resort

Meliá Danang Beach Resort

19 Trường Sa, Hoà Hải, Ngũ Hành Sơn, Đà Nẵng 550000, Vietnam
In-Person Standard Presentation Main Session OARC 41 Day 1


Shumon Huque (Salesforce)


One area of frequent challenge is how to fully automate DNSSEC provisioning and maintenance operations (e.g. initial provisioning, SEP key rollover and maintenance, and when required, inter-provider transfer). Steve Crocker and Shumon Huque have been running a panel on this topic for a number of years at the ICANN DNSSEC and Security workshops, and we'd like to share the collected experience from those workshops with the DNS-OARC community. This talk will provide a technical overview of this area, a summary of the state of DNSSEC automation adoption and implementation in the industry, and a preview of upcoming relevant protocol enhancements. It will also cover potential policy and contractual impediments that have hampered more rapid progress in this space for the generic Top Level Domains (gTLD), and prospects for improving the situation. Lastly, we will suggest some ways the OARC community can actively participate and help with these efforts.

Primary authors

Shumon Huque (Salesforce) Steve Crocker (Edgemoor Research Institute)

Presentation materials