6–7 Sept 2023 Workshop
Meliá Danang Beach Resort
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone

Building a DNS Resolver in Fedramp

7 Sept 2023, 14:00
Meliá Danang Beach Resort

Meliá Danang Beach Resort

19 Trường Sa, Hoà Hải, Ngũ Hành Sơn, Đà Nẵng 550000, Vietnam
In-Person Standard Presentation OARC 41 Day 2


Prashanth Suvarna (Cisco Systems/OpenDNS)


This presentation will focus on our journey towards building a FedRAMP version of OpenDNS/Cisco Umbrella resolver, all the challenges we encountered along the way and the strategy we took to overcome them.

- Our experiences (struggles) with moving to OpenSSL3 and using the FIPS provider within it.
- How we support both commercial (openssl 1.1.1) and FedRAMP (openssl 3) resolvers from the same codebase
- What does FIPS means for DNSSEC?
- What does FIPS means for DoH, DoT and DNSCrypt?
- Restrictions imposed by the environment we have to operate in.

Primary author

Prashanth Suvarna (Cisco Systems/OpenDNS)


Brian Somers (OpenDNS/Cisco)

Presentation materials