26–27 Oct 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

DNS Remains a Primary Vector for DDoS

26 Oct 2024, 11:35
In-person Panel Main Session Session 2


Mr Craig Sparling (Akamai)


Although DNS based attacks aren’t a regular part of the news cycle they’re extremely common. Visibility into data from numerous sources shows DDoS attacks using DNS as a vector has been growing steadily, on a trend to double over the past 6 ½ years. As a percentage of other forms of DDoS DNS made up 65% in Q2 2024, an all time high. Duration and intensity of attacks, and assets targeted, have also all been increasing.

Traffic consists of queries with NXDOMAIN responses (aka PRSD) that stress network resources - authorities, firewalls, GSLB; or very large Resource Records (amplification) that saturate targets and network links. Activity targets a wide swath of industries, and often countries embroiled in visible conflicts.

This talk will present recent and historical attack data and discuss different ways malicious traffic can be mitigated, and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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DDoS attacks using DNS as a vector have been growing steadily, on a trend to double over the past 6 ½ years. Attacks are changing and increasing in multiple dimensions.

Talk duration 10 Minutes (+discussion panel time)

Primary author

Mr Craig Sparling (Akamai)

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