6–7 Feb 2025
Atlanta Marriott Marquis
America/New_York timezone

Zone transfer performance

6 Feb 2025, 12:10
Imperial Salon B ( Atlanta Marriott Marquis)

Imperial Salon B

Atlanta Marriott Marquis

265 Peachtree Center Ave NE Atlanta GA 30303 United States
In-Person Standard Presentation Main Session OARC 44 Day 1


Bill Snow (UltraDNS)


Zone update performance in large-scale DNS installations can be an
important metric to pay attention to. Zone transfer performance
measurements get less attention than query performance because it is
less operationally acute, and because it is harder to measure, as has
been discussed in previous presentations. Benchmarking zone transfer
performance is the first and most important step, but more
measurements of complex behaviour can also help to clarify performance
considerations and optimizations.

Taking a slightly different view of load generation in terms of
concurrent connections, as is sometimes seen in HTTP load generation,
experimental results will compare update rate performance between
selected nameserver implementations and installations. Supporting
data and qualitative observations from UltraDNS systems will be used
to describe differences in nameserver behaviour, and limitations on
performance. A variety of data conditions including size and number
of updates to catalog and member zones, and installation topology will
be included.

The presentation will highlight differences in implementations and
possible tuning opportunities, installation choices, future
development, and performance test concepts. This may help current and
future operators to consider zone transfers where alternative data
propagation has been used the past.


Presentation of data and discovery from large-scale zone transfers and interoperation.

Talk duration 20 Minutes (+5 for Q&A)

Primary author

Bill Snow (UltraDNS)

Presentation materials