Jul 27 – 28, 2007
Chicago, IL
US/Central timezone
The second DNS Operations Workshop was held on July 27th and 28th, 2007 in Chicago, USA. This immediately followed the IETF69 meeting in Chicago, and preceded the OARC Member meeting on the 28th July.

OARC DNS Operations meetings are open to OARC members, presenters and to all other parties interested in DNS operations and research, subject to available space.

OARC gratefully acknowledges Afilias for their sponsorship of this meeting, and John Kristoff (DePaul/UltraDNS) for arranging venue, connectivity and webcast facilities.

Remote participation:

  • Video+audio webcast, at <http://videostream.is-net.depaul.edu/depaultv-webcast.html>
  • Jabber, on <xmpp:dns-operations@conference.dns-oarc.net>
  • Audio teleconference
OARC gratefully acknowledges Afilias for their sponsorship of this meeting,
and John Kristoff (DePaul/UltraDNS) for arranging venue, connectivity and webcast facilities.
Chicago, IL
Fri 27th PM: DNS Operations presentations Sat 28th AM: DNS Operations presentations Sat 28th PM: OARC members meeting (closed)