11–13 Oct 2014
Hyatt Regency Century Plaza
US/Pacific timezone

The GIft that Keeps on Giving: Open DNS Proxies

12 Oct 2014, 15:30
Westside (Hyatt Regency Century Plaza)


Hyatt Regency Century Plaza

2025 Avenue of the Stars Los Angeles California 90067 USA
Public Workshop Sunday Workshop (Public)


Mr Ralf Weber (Nominum)


DNS DDoS attacks continue, fueled by open DNS proxies. Now they're stressing resolvers and authorities worldwide using pseudo random subdomains. In June of 2014 there was a 400% increase in this traffic and popular domains continue to be targeted. Analysis of recent DNS data reveals other interesting details. For instance, Response Rate Limiting in authorities appears to aggravate attacks. This presentation will cover the latest attack data as well as tests of the major resolvers showing the impact of capabilities to mitigate them, ranging from changes in recursive behaviors to filtering traffic at ingress.

Primary author

Mr Ralf Weber (Nominum)

Presentation materials