Feb 8 – 9, 2020
Hyatt Regency San Francisco
America/Los_Angeles timezone

The Different Ways of Minimizing ANY

Feb 8, 2020, 9:45 AM
Bayview Room (Hyatt Regency San Francisco)

Bayview Room

Hyatt Regency San Francisco

5 Embarcadero Center San Francisco CA 94111 United States
No longer available: Standard Presentation Public Workshop


Mr Edward Lewis (ICANN)


The DNS Protocol has features that have grown to become liabilities. The query type "ANY" is one. Earlier this year a published RFC document describes how a DNS server may respond to such queries while reducing the liability. But the document does not define a definitive means for a server to signal that it is differing from the original protocol. This presentation measures of the impact of having no definitive means specified and examines the "fear, uncertainty, and doubt" of lacking explicit signals.

Talk Duration No longer available: 30 Minutes

Primary author

Mr Edward Lewis (ICANN)

Presentation materials