Oct 22 – 23, 2022 Workshop
Golden Tulip Zira
Europe/Belgrade timezone

Brushing up DNSThought

Oct 23, 2022, 3:45 PM
Mykonos / Rodos (Golden Tulip Zira)

Mykonos / Rodos

Golden Tulip Zira

Ruzveltova 35 11000 Belgrade Republic of Serbia
Lightning Talk Main Session OARC 39 - D2


Willem Toorop (NLnet Labs)


With the DNSThought project we do longitudinal measurements of Resolver capabilities, such as for example qname minimization and all the DNSSEC algorithms, with RIPE Atlas probes. It was the outcome of the DNS Measurements Hackathon organized by the RIPE NCC in April 2017.
Over time some valuable historical information has been collected by DNSThought, but the way it is displayed is still as it was when it came out of the hackathon project in 2017 and not very user friendly, but certainly not geared towards a lot of data.
Recently we started to address this by working with a professional specialized in data visualization funded by the RIPE NCC Community funds. With this lightning talk I want to ask the audience for feedback on how a usable user interface would look like.

Presentation delivery In-person at the workshop venue

Primary author

Willem Toorop (NLnet Labs)

Presentation materials