6–7 Sept 2023 Workshop
Meliá Danang Beach Resort
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone

Introducing DNSWatch, Meta's DNS Snooping utility

6 Sept 2023, 10:45
Meliá Danang Beach Resort

Meliá Danang Beach Resort

19 Trường Sa, Hoà Hải, Ngũ Hành Sơn, Đà Nẵng 550000, Vietnam
In-Person Standard Presentation OARC 41 Day 1


Balint Csergo (Meta)


Introducing DNSWatch, Meta's DNS snooping utility.
This tool is built on top of BPF and Go, and enables analysing DNS usage.
It comes with a very handy top-like interface, which can be used to get a high level overview of dns query activity on the system, and a detailed dig-like view, to be able to deep-dive into said queries.
Also comes with a handy Prometheus exporter, which exposes per process dns usage metrics in the Prometheus format.


Detailed slides will follow, alongside some live demos

Primary author

Balint Csergo (Meta)

Presentation materials