6–7 Sept 2023 Workshop
Meliá Danang Beach Resort
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh timezone

DNS4EU scope. timeline and challenges

6 Sept 2023, 16:35
Meliá Danang Beach Resort

Meliá Danang Beach Resort

19 Trường Sa, Hoà Hải, Ngũ Hành Sơn, Đà Nẵng 550000, Vietnam
Remote Standard Presentation OARC 41 Day 1


Robert Šefr


DNS4EU will go far beyond another public DNS resolver. During the presentation the detailed scope and timeline will be introduced. Besides the public resolvers, the presentation will also focus on specific plans for telcos, governments and threat intelligence research and application.

Each use case will focus on different technology aspects around DNS resolver operations and the added layer of security protection. Individual challenges and approaches chosen by the DNS4EU consortium will be introduced. Topics will cover privacy aspects, data governance, operations, threat intelligence research and particular aspect of DNS standard usage.

Primary author

Robert Šefr

Presentation materials