Oct 13 – 14, 2018
Okura Hotel
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

CNAME at apex?! experiments

Oct 14, 2018, 2:45 PM
Heian I/II (Okura Hotel)

Heian I/II

Okura Hotel

Ferdinand Bolstraat 333 1072 LH Amsterdam NL
Standard Presentation Public Workshop Joint OARC & CENTR-Tech Public Workshop


Ondrej Sury (Internet Systems Consortium) Petr Špaček (CZ.NIC)


Standard DNS does not allow CNAME records to coexist with other normal data, which is sometimes confusing for non-DNS experts who want to redirect one domain to the other, like example.com. -> example.net.

Various actors invented their own solution, be it ALIAS or ANAME RR types with non-standard backend software, and some others decided to just ignore the CNAME limitation in standards and put CNAME RR next to other data.

In this talk we will explore how real resolvers react to situation where CNAME RR and other data reside at the same node in DNS tree. Is the currently deployed code sufficient or do we need a new standard?


Experimetal exploration how real resolvers react to situation where CNAME RR and other data reside at the same node in DNS tree. Is the currently deployed code sufficient or do we need a new standard?

Talk Duration 30 Minutes

Primary authors

Ondrej Sury (Internet Systems Consortium) Petr Špaček (CZ.NIC)

Presentation materials