Jul 30 – 31, 2022
Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown
US/Eastern timezone

How an Enterprise Manages Very Large Number of Records

Jul 30, 2022, 2:25 PM
Liberty D (Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown)

Liberty D

Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown

201 North 17th Street Philadelphia PA 19103 United States
Lightning Talk Main Session OARC 38 Day 1


Han Zhang (Salesforce)


At Salesforce, to provide better resilience and performance, we host multiple zones containing millions of DNS records across many DNS providers. However, this increases the complexity for client applications, the operations teams, and even the DNS admin managing DNS records. The client applications would need to know which provider hosts which zone and make API calls for DNS CRUD to the specific provider. When we add new zones and migrate zones between DNS providers, things get more complex.

To solve this problem, we built a highly available and scalable cloud-based microservice named Athena that hides all the complexity from the end-users. Athena acts as the single Rest API endpoint in front of all the DNS providers. The end-users send all DNS CRUD requests to Athena without needing to know which providers host the zones. Upon receiving a request, Athena automatically figures out the provider for the zone, converts the request to the right format based on the provider's Rest API specifications, sends the request to the provider, and converts the return message to a standard response for the end-user.

In this presentation, we will talk about the architecture of Athena, availability, scalability, zone-vendor mappings management, account management, development/release pipeline, monitoring, and more.

Presentation delivery In-person at the workshop venue

Primary author

Han Zhang (Salesforce)

Presentation materials